Adventures Abroad

Thursday, March 29, 2007

When animals attack

I am in Lusaka a few days earlier than I thought I would be. I had a run in with a dog. Well actually my dog had a run in with a much smaller dog (because I feed mine) and I rushed in to rescue him. I got bit it's a scratch really, but had to come down for a rabies shot anyway... can't be too careful and rabies is particularly unpleasant. I'll have pictures up soon!

In other news I am on my way to the Kuomboka Festival in Western Province, the forgotten province of Zambia. It's quite a trek from everything else in Zambia/ the world and I am extremely excited to see this ancient ceremony on the banks of the Zambezi. Then after a few days I will be on my way to Isanga Bay on Lake Tanganyika.

I had a harvest and a fish transfer and I don't seem to get in front of a computer enough to record the of trials and tribulations of mundane life. I am usually on my way someplace but my real life is as follows:

6:00 -wake up to Winston licking my face.
till 9ish- eat breakfast(cereal and dried fruit) , sweep my house, clean clean clean, discover what my mice chewed through, listen to the BBC
9-12:00 visit farmers/ ride around the bush with my dog
12-2:00 Lunch
2:00 Women's meeting/ fish meeting/ etc meeting
4:00 done for the day read and cook
8:00 or 9:00 at the latest go to bed.

Life is pretty great. Some days I do nothing but read and then there are days when I have to bike 2 hours each way to get to a meeting or the Boma but I have it pretty good. Some people are a much much farther bike ride away to a rode.

Dan left today. He one of the best people I've ever met and will miss him a lot. He was one of the best volunteers we had. Wisconsin is definitely gaining from Zambia's loss.

New pics will be up soon and in a few days when I am back from Western I will have amazing pictures of Kuombocha. It's sure to be an experience.



  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger Ryan Pulley said…

    Loved your pics, your phone isn't working, unless you've got a new number ;)
    Send your family my love,


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