Adventures Abroad

Saturday, July 08, 2006

All Kitwe-ed out

I've fallen into a routine. It makes life comfortable and managable. I'm in Kitwe on the Saturdays, spend a few days with my pond. Check for mail 14 times a day and eat inkoko all day long. Every once in a while I get a call and am delighted with life. Otherwise it's training all day. Some highlights:

-I ate impala. Thank you Doc for killing, skinning and cooking it.
-I got covered in leeches twice.
-I've been told I'm verrry fat (uh that's supposedly a compliment.) a few times.
-I had caterpiller.
-A farmer told us that his farm always almost never drys out.
-Disco night was a blast.
-Bamayo dances for me to the chagrin of her children.

We are going to a chimp sanctuary next week! It's free to get in but I hear the beer is expensive. Yes the beer at the chimp sanctuary. They also have a full grown domesticated hippo running around the compound. Not to mention a rehab for drinking and smoking chimps. I love Zambia!

I can't wait to get to site and be the person who decides what I do all day. I am just going to miss my PCV's like crazy.

To follow up on the last post, my family loved the food I made! Junior, the 12 year old boy I live with, said he could eat all my food forever. Bamayo has even started cooking a little differently too. On a reciprecal note, I love my bankashi Mambwe, I am taking her to my village when I get posted.

I think I am going to teach aerobics at my village. Yoga is thought to be satanic to I am going to stick to good old jumping around. I'm begining to realize that fish farming is definately not going to be the only thing I am going to be doing. I have to be a nutritionalist, a HIV/AIDS educator/ counselor, a farmer, a agroculturist and a million other things. In fact, I am looking forward to IST because I know that we are going to learn beekeeping there.

Life is interesting. Larry, who was one of the nicest people here had to go home. He is going by to the states to finish law school. We know it's the best for him but we are really going to miss him.

I miss you all. You know my email adress is leloyan [at] right? Just checking.


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